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Hi, my name is Arun Narayanan
(uh-roon nuh-rye-nen)
I'm a video editor and screenwriter based in Los Angeles. You can check out more of my work on Vimeo and Coverfly. And feel free to email me at
Arun Considers is also brought to you by:
Jordan Ledy - director/co-writer/co-producer/co-editor of "Diversity," director/cinematographer/co-producer/co-editor of "Evolution," "Fame," "The Matrix," "His Name," and "Nothing"
Dave Dorsey - director of "Heroin," "VR Porn," and "Shaving"
Alix Spence - director/cinematographer of "White Girls"
Tyler Evans - co-director/cinematographer of "Listening"
Rahul Sharma - co-director/cinematographer of "'American Indians'"
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